Today was an interesting day, not exactly what we planned, but we are all teachers, we know how to be flexible.
We set off early from Copan, with plans to go to a project, but because of political reasons, our leaders felt it would be safer if we went straight to San Pedro Sula.
On the way, I was listening to my music, and words by that amazing philosopher, Dolly Parton, struck me. She sings of her coat of many colors and says, "One is only poor only if they choose to be." I have seen that to be so true this week.
Besides the curvy road, we did not encounter any problems, but upon arrival, things became more interesting. Our hotel is on a major square in the center of town, and on the square was a huge demonstration. It was really fun to see it, but not have to actually be amongst it. Our balconies made the perfect lookout.
Here's the situation, from what I understand. Honduras is a democratic nation, with a similar "set-up" to our own government. The president, whose term will be over in January, fired the Minister of Defense because he would not deliver the ballot boxes for a vote today. The vote was actually a survey to see if there would be an interest in changing the constitution (possibly to up the president's power).
The army and president were on opposing sides with the recent firing. This morning, the army kidnapped the president from his home and flew him to Costa Rica, possibly because of a supreme court order. The Senate met and appointed the head of the Senate as the interim president since the vice president had resigned several months ago to work on his own campaign for president.
As you can only imagine, the country is split. (What would we do if Obama was kidnapped by the army?!?) Also, it is hard to know the whole truth because of different reports and opinions that are all mixed in.
Anyway, because of this situation, we were adviced to "hunker down" and enjoy the hotel. So we watched the rally, ate, swam, talked and laughed.
After dinner it was time for our final reflection and a gift from Lori. When I was young, my mom often sang "Pass It On," to me, a song she learned around a campfire. "It only takes a spark, to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing..." Lori immediately connected the song to the mission of Heifer and wrote these beautiful lyrics which we sang tonight.
"Pass It On"
It only takes a cow
To get a family going
And soon all those around
Are partners in their growing
That's how it is with Heifer's work
Once they've received a gift
Their spirits sing
From hope it brings
And then they pass it on.
We wish for all our friends
The hopefulness that we've found
Our journey will not end
It matters not where we're bound
We'll take this gift that we've received
And tell the world we know
That every heart
Can play a part
We all can pass it on!
Although this was not exactly the kind of day we had planned, I was still able to find hope. The power of the vote, of the people and of democracy is alive and well in this country - it is so hopeful no matter the struggles that lie ahead. And there is hope in each one of us, hope of touching the lives of our students, friends and family when we share the experiences we have had on this amazing journey.
There is hope in all of us.
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