Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ode to Ludallah

For seven grand days, Lou was our guide.

He showed us dozens of animals though some did hide!

On first impression we found him a bit curmudgeonic,

But we learned he was just very wise and stoic.

It’s no wonder a giraffe is his favorite animal,

As he, too, is quiet, tall, and stable.

He did not ask us a question, not any.

But with great patience he answered my very, very many.

He started as a guide thirty seven years ago,

So there was not very much that he did not know.

His English was deliberate and oh so thoughtful,

To understand it all, I had to listen real careful.

He drove us around from park to national park,

Through landscape that was beautiful and stark.

Sometimes he drove with great speed,

But was careful if it was the need.

It took him awhile to begin to joke with us,

But then when he did, his laugh was infectious.

At lunch while we ate, he kept the monkeys at bay,

I think they were just worried about what he might say.

While driving, he listened to others on the radio,

Hoping they would lead us to the lion and rhino.

No matter how many times I would joke, “Now we find the cat?”

He would always solemnly answer, “I cannot guarantee that.”

We’d often stop for the guides to have a chat,

But thankfully they usually shared how to find a cat!

He tried his hardest to find us a lay-oh-pard in a tree,

And finally, finally, on our last night we did see!

In fact, he led us to all of Africa’s big five,

And thankfully in the process he kept us alive!

He called us “Wonderful Women” when we learned how to put up the top,

But never learned our names and instead called us clients nonstop.

Perhaps we were just too common for dear Lou,

After all, he’s been on the National Geographic crew.

Lou certainly had his rules and many particular ways,

But who doesn’t with more experience and aged on in days?

He pulled over on roadsides to show us plants or share some info,

And when viewing animals, he’d find the best vantage spots to go.

Lou often turned left when all the others turned right,

Finding animals with keen instinct and solely on insight.

Despite his indifference, he cared for us, I have quite the hunch,

For he found us lions, opened our doors, and carried our lunch.

I give thanks for this full week I will always treasure,

And Lou, dear sir, it has been quite the pleasure.

Many thanks for Jessica for help with some rhyming couplets. And apologies to Mrs. Tuohy, my late, great English teacher as I hope my poetry writing skills would make her giggle rather than cringe. 


  1. Lovely! Mrs Touhy would be delighted that you chose to celebrate how wonderful your guide was!

  2. Beautiful and from the heart!
