Tuesday, June 30, 2009


A few years ago I read a fantastic book, a children's book called Esperanza Rising. The story is about a young girl, Esperanza, whose family is forced to move to America from Mexico. She endures many hardships, but the end of the story provides a great deal of hope for the rest of this young woman's life. It is only at the end that we learn Esperanza means hope.

The families I met this week had endured many hardships, but now, because of Heifer, they are full of hope, of esperanza. I saw this week how truly powerful hope is. Hope is the rainbow that follows the darkest storms. Hope is the first blooming daffodil after a bleak winter. Hope is a cow, a goat or chickens.

I am headed home now, I've departed from the group. Although eager to return home, I am upset to leave my new found friends. I have never been around a group of people so inspiring. Each and every member of our group does so much to make the world a better place. The love they have for others is astounding. The adventures, the wisdom and the compassion in the group is truly incredible. And I must say, they are also a whole lot of fun. I feel totally and completely blessed to have been a part of this group.

Upon returning, I think of my own hopes. I hope I touched a life on this trip. I hope I can spread Heifer's mission to anyone who will listen. I hope I remember everyday how fortunate I am. I hope I remember this trip and how much it touched me for the rest of my life.

"I hope for more love, more joy and laughter,
I hope we'll have more than we ever need.
I hope we'll have more happy ever afters.
I hope we can live more fearlessly
And we can loose all the pain and misery."

Esperanza... fill your life with it.

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